Monday, September 26, 2016


who they are-
Since 1971, Newhouse fills a community need as a safe haven for women and children fleeing the immediate threat of domestic violence.  With assistance from local law enforcement, each year the staff welcomes as many as 1,000 women and children, often with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing.  Newhouse provides for their immediate physical needs of food, clothing, and shelter as well as comprehensive counseling to meet their serious emotional and physiological needs.

who they serve-

  • Each year, Newhouse serves over 10,000 women and children by providing safe shelter, an emergency hotline, and assistance in the domestic violence court system.
  • Seventy-seven percent of those served come to Newhouse from the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.  Others have been reported from as many as 28 states.
  • The average age of a woman in safe shelter is 37 and the average child age is 6 years.
  • Eighty-four percent of the women are unemployed with an average household income of $3,711.
Newhouse provides safe shelter 24 hours a day, 3 meals a day-365 days a year.  Newhouse also provides clothing and other immediate needs plus a caring environment.
Additionally, Newhouse provides court advocacy, continuing education and job skill training, comprehensive therapy, and outplacement services are also provided by Newhouse staff.  These serves are necessary to equip women with the tools to make positive choices and lead self-sufficient lives.

what they need-
Daily Shelter Needs:
Laundry pods, for single laundry loads
Personal care items:  shampoo, body wash, deodorant, lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste
Pajamas for women and children
Hair products for all ethnicities
Purses and wallets (can be gently used)
NEW women's underwear
Lip balm
Facial tissues
Used cell phones (working or not)


Please note that the date of the West Central and North/Northwest Pre-RA has been changed to October 17. 

All delegates should plan to attend.  The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., preceded by a light supper at 5:00 p.m.


Steve Geiger from MPSO and Thomas Greene from the Future Leader’s Academy

President’s Report: 
President Charles Smith talked about his recent visit to Finland.  He financed the trip.  He is looking forward to sharing more information about his visit with us in the future.

Executive Director Report: 

DeeAnn Aull has met with all staff in her time as Executive Director. There will be an all staff meeting at the end of October to begin planning for the upcoming year.

We have received a $105,000 extension for our "Teacher Words Matter" campaign.  This year’s campaign will begin in December. We have received a $50,000 EFT/New Educators grant. Kristin Owen and Alice Flores will be working with Rockwood, Pattonville and Hazelwood to try to flip more educators to EFT.  We have also received a $20,000 Institutional Racism/Social Justice grant.

Educators Rising: The group is working hard toward attracting more locals and members.

$250,000 has been given to the Chris Koster campaign from NEA and another $250,000 will be given to the campaign this week. MNEA is collecting contributions between $5 and $25 for the Clean Campaign which will be working towards campaign reform and redistricting in 2018.  We are trying to get the grassroots campaign going.

Collective Bargaining Updates:  DeeAnn Aull shared a Field Report with the Board highlighting what is going on in the UniServ Units.  The Board was very appreciative of the report.
Business Items:
Approval of Capital Budget:  Karen Struemph presented the proposed Capital Budget for the fiscal year ending 8/31/17.  Budget passed.

2016-17 Legislative Platform:  The Legislative Platform was presented by MNEA Legislative Committee Chair Patrick Layden and staff member Otto Fajen.  The Legislative Platform passed as amended.

Ballot Issue Crisis Fund:  Motion passed to recommend to the Fall RA to continue the Ballot Issue Crisis Fund. 

Ash Grove Affiliation:  The Board approved affiliation of Ash Grove.

Recommendation of New Member Benefit Partner: The Board approved Gallagher Affinity as a new member benefit partner.

Discussion Items:
2017-18 Draft Calendar:  The calendar was distributed to the Board.  Board members need to look through the calendar and send Charles any changes that might need to be made.  The Board will vote on the calendar at the November Board meeting.

Shirley Cromer Award nominations are due 10/01. Please look for experienced members to nominate. 

Leila Medley QLA nominations due 10/01.  Information for this award can be found in the Timeline for Action.

Horace Mann Teacher Nominations are due 12/15. 

Revised Budget Timeline:  There is one change.  January 10 needs to be changed to Jan. 11.  There will be a Board Conference Call meeting at 7:00 PM on January 11 to approve the revised budget.

Fall RA details: The Fall RA is at the Westin Crown Center this year.  If you are going to room with another Board member, you can let Karen know, and she will make your room reservation for you.  If you are planning to room with someone from your local, it is easier to make your own reservation and voucher your half of the room.  MNEA only reserves a block of rooms for Friday night not for Saturday night. Please remember to bring items for the PAC auction. You can make lunch reservations online.

Capitol Action Days:  Board members need to check the dates that are in the Board packet.  We need to choose the dates for the 2017-18 year.

PR Campaign:  The Board watched 3 video clips of ads that ran in the KC area for the “Read to Achieve” campaign.

NEA Summit:  The Summit will be February 24-26, 2017 in Orlando, Florida this year.

Information Items:
A membership status report was handed out.  This report will authorize delegate attendance at the Fall RA. 

Cat Tour:  February 27 - March 3, 2017. Applications for the tour are on the website. They are due January 2.

Pre-RA dates have been set and are in the Board packet.  Board members should try to attend the Pre-RA for their area.  The charity for the RA is Newhouse, a women’s and children’s shelter in the KC metropolitan area.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Program will be held on January 15, 2017.  More information will be coming out a later date.

The MNEA Board Meeting Conference Call is on January 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM.

MLT/WLT West conference will be held in San Diego, CA, on December 9 -11, 2016.

President Smith gave Board members a booklet: “Taking Restorative Practices School-Wide.”

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Thinking about retirement?

Discover your retirementality at one of the MNEA retirement workshops 

This free workshop is provided by the Park Hill NEA, Missouri NEA, and our approved benefit providers. PSRS will also present useful information to help you plan for your future.

Money is important, but other preparations will make your retirement rewarding. This workshop is designed to answer your questions and help prepare you for transition from “Making a Living” to “Retirement Living.” This workshop goes beyond your PSRS benefits, but a portion of this workshop is presented by a PSRS counselor.

Topics Include:
          1) Defining what your new retirement may look like
          2) What to think about before taking the leap into retirement
          3) Benefits from Social Security, PSRS, and Missouri NEA
          4) Hear a review of PSRS/PEERS options and rules
          5) Review of PSRS Rule of 80 vs. Rule of 86
          6) Will you have enough money to retire?
          7) Positioning your investments to last

This workshop will be helpful to MNEA members who plan to retire in the next one to five years.

MNEA Pre-Retirement Workshop                                    To Pre-Enroll Contact:
Thursday, September 15, 2016                                          Jill Owens, PHNEA President
5:00-7:30pm (light meal served)                                       (816) 359-6043
Park Hill South HS Media Center                           
4500 NW River Park Dr.
Riverside, MO 64150

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Per an email to our West Central president, Rebeka McIntosh from Linda Innes....

Could you send out an email to the West Central Conference inviting anyone who can come to our board meeting on April 25th at Boone Elementary located at 89th and Wornall @ 7 pm? We are working on collective bargaining and our district lawyer, board, and superintendent have taken the MSBA collective bargaining policies and warped them to the point that much of them are unconstitutional. CEA wishes to convince the board that these policies need to be changed back to their original form that MSBA gave them so that collective bargaining can actually happen.

To get to the board meeting enter the front doors. Immediately take a left and go down a sloping hallway headed west.  When you get to the T-juncture of the hallway, take a left and you will go directly into the boardroom. 

Linda Innes
CEA President

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


If you were unable to attend the presentation held at the West Central office in February on Retirementality, you won't want to miss your next opportunity. This is NOT a sales pitch. This is excellent information which will leave you really thinking about what you want your retirement to look like and how to make it happen.  I've copied the flyer information below but want to point out a difference in opinion..the flyer says, "If you're thinking about retiring in the next five years you should attend this workshop."  I honestly believe that this is a great workshop regardless of how close or far you are from retirement.  This workshop will help you to formulate a plan so that even when you are in your 20's you can lay out your retirement goals, then make decisions to help you meet them.  You don't want to miss this presentation brought to you by MNEA and MNEA Financial Member Benefit Partners:

Discovering Your Retirementality!

If you are thinking about retirement in the next five years, you should attend this workshop being presented in your area. You will hear from financial planning experts and a PSRS counselor to help you prepare to enjoy your retirement. Go to to register online. (Must be logged in to Members Only to access online registration.) If you have questions, contact Pam Koetting at 573-644-9601 or or Karen Sholes at 573-644-9604 or

March 31 - 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Staley High School Special Events Center, North Kansas City School District, 2800 N.E. Shoal Creek Parkway. 

Members can register online at (You must be logged in to Members Only to register.)


Our HOPE Fund is in need of donations!  Please reach out to your members to make donations through or ask that they send donations for the HOPE Fund through your delegates when they attend the Spring RA.

    You will love the “unconference” format of MNEA's edCommunities Live in Independence April 16. EdCommunities Live transforms the NEA edCommunities into a live in-person sharing and learning event. This event is free and open to all educators.FIND OUT MORE >
    Join Missouri NEA now as a first-time active member*, and you will receive early enrollment benefits FREE between April 1 and Aug. 31. As an early enrollee, you will have reduced dues and you do not begin paying until September. Join the organization working for you.   FIND OUT MORE >
  • MNEA WINS VICTORYAdvocacy pays off for early childhood educators and alternative school teachers once excluded from participating in the federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness program. When MNEA learned that an antiquated policy was discriminating against some school employees...FIND OUT MORE >
  • READ TO ACHIEVE CONTESTIf your school is within the KCTV5 viewing area (greater Kansas City), teachers at your school are eligible for a chance to win $1,000. The Read to Achieve contest is co-sponsored by Missouri NEA and Kansas NEA.FIND OUT MORE >


Posted Date: 2/5/2016

Through its Humanitarian Outreach Project for Education Fund, Missouri NEA assists students and schools.
The HOPE fund aids students who have been affected by a natural disaster, hardship or other special circumstance with school-related expenses such as the purchase of school supplies or clothing.
The HOPE fund also provides financial assistance for educational-related supplies to schools that have been damaged or destroyed by fire or natural disaster.
Requests for assistance should be directed to MNEA President Charles Smith by completing the application form.
The HOPE Fund accepts charitable contributions. You may designate your contribution for a special cause or in honor/memory of a loved one. Missouri NEA will send a notice of the contribution to the recipient(s) indicated on the contribution form. You can either choose to contribute online with a credit card or download a mail-in form (pdf). Contributions are tax deductible. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

REGISTER NOW FOR MNEA edCommunities Live!

All educators, members of Missouri NEA and other school staff, are invited!

MNEA edCommunities Live
FREE for all
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Van Horn High School, Independence
8-8:30 a.m.   Sign in, enjoy coffee, build session list
8:30              General session
9:10 to 11:45 a.m.  Three break out time slots
12-12:30 p.m.   Closing session, Tech Slam, door prizes
MNEA edCommunities Live features an unconference format where you direct your learning. Share a tool or resource, discuss a problem or issue with others, or examine new state learning standards together in discussion-centered unconference sessions. Sign up that morning!  New Missouri Learning Standards will be available that week, be among the first to discuss the final standards with others. 
OR, choose to attend one of the four more structured workshops listed below:

  • 9:10-10:45 a.m. Bring NEA's Degrees Not Debt to Your District
  • 9:10-10:45 a.m. Be Aware: Creating safe spaces for gender non-conforming students
  • 10- noon     School Finance
  • 10-11:45 a.m.  English Language Learners Issues of Equity and Culture: Bridging the Cultural Divide Between Schools and Families

Sunday, March 6, 2016


School Finance
Preparing for Negotiations
Understanding your District’s numbers

This practical workshop will cover district budgets, ASBR, sources of revenue, areas of expenditures, fund transfers and fund balances.  The state aide formula will be explained as well as the important factors of other funding sources.  Receive a report personalized for your District. 

Tuesday, March 15                                  RSVP by 3-10
Kansas City MNEA office                        816-478-4480 or
5:30 pm                                                    contact your UniServ Director

NEA Educators for Hillary Campaign opportunities
Events at Clinton Headquarters – SEIU Hall, 4526 Paseo Blvd, Kansas City, 64110
Women’s Phone Banking     3-4      4:00-9:00 pm
Canvassing                          3-5      10:00 am
Phone Banking                    3-5      3:00-6:00 pm
Canvassing                          3-6      1:00 pm

KC-MNEA office:
Phone Banking                    3-14    5:00 pm-9:00 pm
Bring your cell phone.  Contact Dorothy Walk:

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Spring Pre RA date for Kansas City     
  March 21at the West Central office
Meeting begins 6:00 p.m. preceeded with a light supper.
     Lodge of Four Seasons – April 8

NEA  Black Caucus Annual Black Issues Conference
April 15-17 in Kansas City, MO
Summer Association Leadership Training
Kansas City - June 10
Summer Academy for First Timers
July 20-22 at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center, Columbia, MO



On Friday evening and Saturday morning MNEA board members and staff participated in leadership training led by NEA Executive Committee member Dr. Kevin Gilbert.

President Smith recognized the following:
Cheryl Riley thanked Matt Matheney for the excellent Student Leaders Academy this year. 
Congratulations to St. Joseph NEA for 222 new member growth.
Congratulations to Carmen Hill for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service.

Congratulations to DeeAnn Aull and staff for a successful P.R. campaign: Teacher Words Matter and Read to Achieve.

Governance District 4 Board members congratulate Kevin Drinkard, Independence NEA; who one $1,000 in the Read to Achieve contest!

Reports given were:
President’s Report - Charles Smith
Vice President’s Report - Brent Fullington
NEA Director’s Report - Phil Murray and Lisa Kickbusch
Interim Executive Director’s Report - Peggy Cochran
Legal Update - Peggy Cochran
Financial Report - Karen Struemph
CB Update - Peggy Cochran - most locals are just beginning the bargaining process.
Committee Reports were read and discussed

Co-chair Melissa Albright attended the Board meeting to present the proposed changes to the 2016 MNEA Resolutions.  Changes were looked at and discussed.  The document was approved as amended by the board.

Legislative Update: 
Otto Fajen updated the board on legislative issues. 
Most importantly was the “Paycheck Deception” HCS/HB1891, which requires annual written authorization for dues and annual electronic authorization for PAC, excluding first responders. The House passed the bill 110-47 on February 18.  We need to watch this issue closely as it goes to the Senate. 

Other issues we are watching include school formula bills, the budget, retirement and charter schools.  Everyone should be signed up to receive daily legislative updates via email.  If you are not, you can go to to sign up.

Campaign for Secretary Clinton: DeeAnn Aull
The Missouri Presidential primary will be held on March 15 Campaign offices opened in St. Louis and Kansas City this past week.  MNEA will be trying to get members to volunteer in both offices.  If members volunteer, they can let DeeAnn Aull or Mark Jones know and they will send them a NEA t-shirt that they can wear when they are volunteering and we want them to sign in at the offices as an MNEA member. 

MNEA members will be receiving a 1 minute survey via email to help us sort our membership into 3 groups.  The three groups are: people who have already committed to Secretary Clinton, people who are still undecided but could be swayed, and people who are already decided against Secretary Clinton.   Forthcoming activities include: phone banking, robo calls, information in Something Better and In the Loop, a social media campaign, e-blast, and getting people to go to Strong Public Schools .org.  If you have any ideas about ways to help the campaign, you can email DeeAnn Aull or Mark Jones.

Educators for Social Justice:
This event will be taking place on February 27, 2016 MNEA Retired paid for 20 members to attend.  Currently we have 19 members registered to attend.  MNEA will have an informational table at the event and Matt Agee will be there to represent us and answer questions at the table.

Audit Presentation: 
Vice-President Brent Fullington and Dale Siebeneck from Evers and Company presented the audit report. 

2016-2017 RA Budget Recommendation to the RA:
Vice-President Brent Fullington presented the 2016-2017 MNEA Budget.   The Board approved recommendation of the 2016-2017 MNEA Budget to the RA.

Business Items:
The Board approved:
  • the audit report
  • the usage of the Evers and Company as our auditing firm for the next year
  • the 990 form
  • affiliation of Warrenton Maintenance and Custodian NEA
  • affiliation of Rockwood Association of Social Workers
  • the National Education Employee Assistance Fund renewal

Information Items:
Check for the Cat Tour Schedule.
2016-17 Committee Volunteer forms are available.
2016-17 Future Leader’s Academy applications are available.
Summer Academy for First Timers - July 20-22 at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center, Columbia, MO.
Summer Association Leadership Trainings:
     St. Charles - June 6
     St. Louis - June 7
     Kansas City - June 10
     Springfield - June 18
NEA Black Caucus Annual Black Issues Conference - April 15-17 in Kansas City, MO.

MNEA ESP Conference: Renaissance Hotel - St. Louis MO – April 23

Pre RA dates:
     Jefferson County – March 9
     St. Charles – March 10
     Kansas City – March 21
     St. Louis – March 31
     Lodge of Four Seasons – April 8

Board Responsibilities for Spring RA (Everyone is welcome to donate to any or all of the following):
·       Bring socks for Rock the Socks.
·       Bring gift cards or scratcher tickets for HOPE Fund.
·       Bring silent auction items for PAC.
·       Bring cash for HOPE fund, PAC silent auction and Care to Learn.