Sunday, November 17, 2013


The Horace Mann Friend of Education Awards recognizes individuals, companies and groups that support 
public education. Who do you need to recognize and thank for their contributions? You can show your 
appreciation by making a nomination in one of nine categories; journalism (print, radio and television), 
legislation, organization (corporate or civic), individual contribution to education, teacher and education support 
Nominations for the “teacher” award are due Dec. 15. Nominations for all other categories must be received by 
March 7. Award guidelines and nomination forms are in the Timeline for Action, beginning on page 48. They 
can also be found on the MNEA website at

Please send in your Teacher of the Year nominations!  Also, please be prepared with suggestions regarding nominations for the other categories.  We'll decide on those at our January 6 meeting.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Since we just met after the Pre-RA, West Central will not meet in November.  We'll see you at the RA!


Download the Missouri NEA Mobile App TodayYou could win an iPad Mini Dec. 18.
Missouri NEA's newest member resource is the Missouri NEA mobile app. Download the app below, or search for "Missouri NEA" in the Apple App Store or Android's Google Play Store. Then open the app, and click on "Register for a chance to win an iPad Mini" in the "About MNEA" section of the app. 
  • Access MNEA support.
  • Look up or add MNEA events to your calendar.
  • Connect to the MNEA newsfeed for education news and teaching tips.
  • Follow MNEA social media
  • (Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and Twitter).
  • Contact your legislators.
  • Access the MyDeals app for member-only financial savings.
  • Register for training.
  • Access your MNEA membership card and ID number.
  • Purchase image items.
  • Read MNEA publications.
  • Get driving instructions to Missouri schools and MNEA offices.
  • Create postcards using your own photos or Missouri NEA photos and theme designs, and send them to your email contacts and Twitter followers or post to your Facebook page (Apple compatible only).

 Choose your download option


The Missouri NEA mobile app is a resource for MNEA members and the public. App users have easy access to MNEA support, newsfeed, publications, legislator lookup, social media, training, school lookup and navigation. MNEA members, you can also access the MyDeals app from this MNEA resource. By logging into the MyDeals app, you will have access to more than 250,000 local and nationwide discounts right at your fingertips.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Headed to St. Louis?  Look for the MNEA Raise You Hand for Public Education billboards along I-70.

Jamie Manker (Science teacher at Rockwood) for being named Missouri Teacher of the Year.
Harris Stowe University and Northwest for winning Exclusive Rep elections.

Major concerns developing over an initiative to remove Tenure. If passed, this issue will require evaluations for teachers and administrators to be based at least 50% on State test scores. This would require tests to be developed for all educators not currently teaching tested subjects. This potential cost could reach $5 Billion. All employees will be At Will Employees. Contracts will be limited to 1 to 3 years.

A fact find committee has been formed to look into districts using Kelly Services for outsourcing substitutes.
An ESP Task Force has been formed.
The MNEA Board of Directors voted to recommend Jason Hoffman and Susan McClintic for re-election to the PSRS/Peers Board of Trustees.
Mary O'Leary has been appointed to represent teachers on the MAACE Committee.

Delegates were to be reported to Beeb by October 1. There are several Gov 4 districts that have not turned in delegate names. 

Pre-RA will be held at the West Central office located at 4224 South Hocker, Suite 180, Independence. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Preceded by a light supper beginning at 5:30.

November 9 at the St. Louis Airport Marriott.  Click on the following link to get registered as a delegate and for the awards luncheon  

Saturday, September 7, 2013


The link below will take you to YouTube to view our new commercial.  Please TAKE ACTION and speak to your representative.  Encourage them to defeat HB 253.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013



The following are West Central meeting dates for the coming school year.  Please mark them on your calendar and plan to attend.  Meetings begin at 5:30, a light supper precedes the meeting.  Pre-RA meetings begin at 6:00 with a light supper served at 5:30.

September 16
October 28 - Pre-RA
November 18
January 6
February 3
March 3
April 7 - Pre-RA

Sunday, March 17, 2013


EZ PAY:  With the attacks on payroll deduction, EZ Pay is the best way to keep membership stable. It is in the Missouri Legislature and if it fails there, attempts will be made to outlaw payroll deduct via initiative ballot.      EZ Pay is the pro-active way to deal with threats to eliminate payroll deduct.  All locals are STRONGLY encouraged to move current members to EZ Pay at the beginning of next year’s membership year.    LOCAL PRESIDENTS should contact their UNISERV DIRECTOR with questions and information about moving to EZ Pay.     During Spring enrollment, sign new members up for EZ Pay!  The best benefit of EZ Pay is that the district does not have to know who the NEA members are in the district. 

Mark March 27 on your calendars for Capitol Action Day!  Governance 4 will be headed to Jeff City on that day to visit legislators.  We will meet with Otto at 10 a.m.  If you would like to carpool, please contact Bar Kaelter who is making carpooling arrangements.

Please respond quickly if you receive a CALL TO ACTION from Otto.  Pass the information along to your members and make a quick phone call or send a quick email to your legislator.

SALT (Summer Association Leadership Training) will follow the same format as last year.  Kansas City's tentative date is July 22-23.

Please make sure you have your delegates signed up for a Pre-RA.  The Kansas City Pre-RA will be held at the West Central office on April 8 beginning at 6:00 preceded by a light supper at 5:30.  Delegates can also attend the Pre-RA held at Tan-tar-a on April 19, at 8:00 p.m. in room 60/61.

Governance District 4 will be holding an election for one, three-year Board of Directors position.  If you would like a copy of the Board Roles and Responsibilities, please contact me (or Christopher Eager).

On April 19th, MNEA will celebrate our 40th Anniversary.  Registration is available online at  Dennis Van Roekel will be the guest speaker.  Please plan to attend!

MNEA will receive the Rosena Willis Memorial Award this summer at the NEA Representative Assembly in Atlanta, GA during the HCR dinner.  This is an award to recognize state affiliates for their efforts to include minorities in the state affiliate.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


In an attempt to enhance awareness and membership, MNEA-Retired is looking for newly retired active members to be a liaison between school local and MNEA-Retired. Responsibilities are as follows:

1.  Participate in an informational, online training session conducted by MNEA-Retired.
2.  Schedule and host a table/display of MNEA-Retired materials and information (provided by MNEA-Retired) for at least one event at the local level:  i.e. building rep meeting, pre-retirement workshop, school district retiree celebration, local district retired organization event. (February - May)
3.  Submit the Local Liaison Reporting Form to MNEA in within two weeks of the local event.
4.  Assist the Active Local identifying potential 2013 retirees if possible.  (March - June)
5.  Attend the MNEA-Retired Annual Meeting, April 19, 2013.  (This is optional but strongly encouraged. A $25 incentive will be provided to local liaisons attending their first meeting of MNEA-Retired.)

If you are interested, please contact Dorothy Walk at

Monday, January 21, 2013

Education Advocates Input Needed!

The Board of Directors would like your input regarding the EA program.  Please send a quick email with your answers to me at  Any information you would like to elaborate on, will be helpful to us.

Please elaborate on any of the questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no."
1. Are you registered as an Education Advocate (EA)?
2. Did you participate in any screenings for the August or November elections? 
3. What about the process used worked well?
4. What about the process used did not work well?
5. Do you need more information about the EA plan in order to fully understand its composition and hierarchy?