Sunday, October 13, 2013


Headed to St. Louis?  Look for the MNEA Raise You Hand for Public Education billboards along I-70.

Jamie Manker (Science teacher at Rockwood) for being named Missouri Teacher of the Year.
Harris Stowe University and Northwest for winning Exclusive Rep elections.

Major concerns developing over an initiative to remove Tenure. If passed, this issue will require evaluations for teachers and administrators to be based at least 50% on State test scores. This would require tests to be developed for all educators not currently teaching tested subjects. This potential cost could reach $5 Billion. All employees will be At Will Employees. Contracts will be limited to 1 to 3 years.

A fact find committee has been formed to look into districts using Kelly Services for outsourcing substitutes.
An ESP Task Force has been formed.
The MNEA Board of Directors voted to recommend Jason Hoffman and Susan McClintic for re-election to the PSRS/Peers Board of Trustees.
Mary O'Leary has been appointed to represent teachers on the MAACE Committee.

Delegates were to be reported to Beeb by October 1. There are several Gov 4 districts that have not turned in delegate names. 

Pre-RA will be held at the West Central office located at 4224 South Hocker, Suite 180, Independence. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Preceded by a light supper beginning at 5:30.

November 9 at the St. Louis Airport Marriott.  Click on the following link to get registered as a delegate and for the awards luncheon