Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Per our West Central Guidelines, each local is allowed to send four voting representatives.  Be sure to have your representation at these meetings.  My local has "elected" a West Central representative who has agreed to attend all of the meetings.  Our meetings are held at 4224 South Hocker Drive, Suite 200, Independence, MO  64055. 

All of our meetings begin at 5:30, with a light supper beginning at 5:00 except for the Pre-RA meetings which start at 6:00, preceded with a light supper at 5:30.  PLEASE don't hesitate to bring your children if that makes it possible for you to attend!  We are family. 

Along with taking care of the business at hand, our president Rebeka McIntosh, has lined up great presentations for us throughout the year.  We sincerely hope to see you there!

West Central meeting dates:

September 21
October 19 PreRA
December 7
January 25
February 22
March 21 PreRA
Apr meeting @ RA

KC Legislative Brunch  1-23
Capitol Action Day 3-23


My birthday, August 3, has had new meaning for the past eleven years.  It isn't because of my age that my birthday has changed meanings.  Like the sound of the cicadas, my birthday is a reminder that school will be starting very soon.  That reality comes with a whirlwind of emotions.  My first reaction is a little dread.  I love my students but I also love the dedicated time over the summer I get to spend with my sons.  (At 14 and 16 I know that time is limited.)  After the dread comes the seriousness of "what do I need to do to get ready for a new year?"  That list leaves me feeling overwhelmed.  Using my list, I go shopping.  Suddenly, I'm excited to be working on my classroom and classes.  The chaos of working on that plus spending time with my boys ushers in my final emotion.  I get excited for the structured days of school.  It's funny, I've noticed my sons going through the exact same whirlwind as the first day of school draws near.

As you prepare for a new school year, keep these things in mind:
  • Your local treasurer needs to follow the Financial Handbook.  These can be found in the back of the Timeline for Action.  These procedures are essential for good practice and keeping your members dues money safe.  If you need a handbook, contact the Karen Struemp at  She would be happy to mail one to you.
  • MNEA headquarters or regional office may contact you for help with any membership issues.
  • Membership issues can best be avoided by verifying your roster information.  I know some of you have large locals but enlist the help of your officers and building reps to make certain that the information we have for each member is accurate using the 5 X 7 cards or roster.  Ask to make certain their home emails, addresses, and phones are current.  If they pay using EFT, remind them to contact MNEA if they change checking accounts. Changes can also be made through our online program found on the MNEA homepage.
  • BE CERTAIN TO FILL OUT YOUR DELETION FORM!  This goes hand in hand with verifying your roster information.  In order to avoid having to pay for memberships of members who have left your local, you MUST complete the deletion form.  It is really easy to fill out once you know who has retired, moved to another district, passed away, or been non-renewed. Remember, there is no way for HQ to know your membership has changed without this information.
  • PR grants for $300 must be received at HQ no later than September 18! 
  • California Casualty's classroom grant for $500 must be received at HQ no later than September 18!
  • You can contact me at or our new board member, Rebeka McIntosh at  We are proud to represent you at the state level.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.