If you were unable to attend the presentation held at the West Central office in February on Retirementality, you won't want to miss your next opportunity. This is NOT a sales pitch. This is excellent information which will leave you really thinking about what you want your retirement to look like and how to make it happen. I've copied the flyer information below but want to point out a difference in opinion..the flyer says, "If you're thinking about retiring in the next five years you should attend this workshop." I honestly believe that this is a great workshop regardless of how close or far you are from retirement. This workshop will help you to formulate a plan so that even when you are in your 20's you can lay out your retirement goals, then make decisions to help you meet them. You don't want to miss this presentation brought to you by MNEA and MNEA Financial Member Benefit Partners:
Discovering Your Retirementality!
If you are thinking about retirement in the next five years, you should attend this workshop being presented in your area. You will hear from financial planning experts and a PSRS counselor to help you prepare to enjoy your retirement. Go to www.mnea.org/missouri/Retirement-Workshop.aspx to register online. (Must be logged in to Members Only to access online registration.) If you have questions, contact Pam Koetting at 573-644-9601 or pam.koetting@mnea.org or Karen Sholes at 573-644-9604 or karen.sholes@mnea.org .
March 31 - 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Staley High School Special Events Center, North Kansas City School District, 2800 N.E. Shoal Creek Parkway.
Members can register online at https://www.mnea.org/Missouri/Retirement-Workshop.aspx (You must be logged in to Members Only to register.)
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