Friday, March 7, 2014


Susan McClintock and Jason Huffman have been re-elected to the PSRS Board.  There were no other candidates and enough signatures were gathered. 

President: Charles reported about the wonderful reception that he had been getting on the Cat Tour.  He was especially impressed with the reception that he received in Jane, MO.

Vice President:  Brent was also impressed with the reception he received at each of the schools and enjoyed his first Cat Tour. 

NEA Directors:  NEA is in support of the Common Core standards but NEA is not in support of the way that the standards are being implemented.  The Directors met with some legislators that do not normally want to meet with us. They wanted to talk about Common Core issues.

Executive Director:  Peggy has been meeting one on one with all staff members.  She is talking with the Presidents of MSO and MSPO to discuss scheduling bargaining. 

Outsourcing Report: The MNEA Position Paper that concerns Edison schools needed to be updated and broadened.  A preliminary paper was shared.  The final version will be shared at the April Board meeting before the RA.  If accepted, it will be taken to the RA. The committee will present Bylaw language next year. Language was shared that will be given to the Resolutions Committee for their consideration on outsourcing.

Ballot Initiative: DeAnn Aull had Decline to Sign handouts for Board members to give to their local governance district members.  Charles has recorded a robo call that will go out and remind people not to sign the tenure petition and the tax credit petition.  We are supporting the petition for the Early Vote.  All education groups are supporting the Decline to Sign campaign.

The Catholic Church has an initiative petition that gives tax credits to parents that have children in private schools.  This would be a way to give public dollars to private schools. The petition is doing well gathering signatures within the parishes and has a good chance of getting on the ballot.

The Paycheck Deception legislation, which is the same language that was passed last year, is being put forth with a referendum clause for the August 5th, ballot.  We are fighting this legislation and Right to Work with the Unity Table coalition.

The Board also debated and voted on numerous proposed changes to Bylaws and Resolutions.  These items will be discussed at the Pre-RA to be held on April 7 at the West Central Office.

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