On Friday evening and Saturday morning MNEA board members and staff
participated in leadership training led by NEA Executive
Committee member Dr. Kevin Gilbert.
President Smith recognized the following:
Cheryl Riley thanked Matt Matheney
for the excellent Student Leaders Academy
this year.
Congratulations to St. Joseph NEA for 222 new member
Congratulations to Carmen Hill for the Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day of Service.
Congratulations to DeeAnn Aull and staff for a successful
P.R. campaign: Teacher Words Matter and Read to Achieve.
Governance District 4 Board members congratulate Kevin Drinkard, Independence NEA; who one $1,000 in the Read to Achieve contest!
Reports given were:
President’s Report - Charles Smith
Vice President’s Report - Brent Fullington
NEA Director’s Report - Phil Murray and Lisa Kickbusch
Interim Executive Director’s Report - Peggy Cochran
Legal Update - Peggy Cochran
Financial Report - Karen Struemph
CB Update - Peggy Cochran - most locals are just beginning
the bargaining process.
Committee Reports were read and discussed
Co-chair Melissa Albright attended the Board meeting to
present the proposed changes to the 2016 MNEA
Resolutions. Changes were
looked at and discussed. The
document was approved as amended by the board.
Legislative Update:
Otto Fajen updated the board on legislative issues.
Most importantly was the “Paycheck Deception” HCS/HB1891,
which requires annual written authorization for dues and annual electronic
authorization for PAC, excluding first responders. The House passed the bill
110-47 on February 18. We
need to watch this issue closely as it goes to the Senate.
Other issues we are watching include school formula bills,
the budget, retirement and charter schools. Everyone should be signed up to
receive daily legislative updates via email. If you are not, you can go to to sign up.
Campaign for Secretary Clinton: DeeAnn
The Missouri Presidential primary will be held on March 15. Campaign offices opened in St. Louis
and Kansas City this past week. MNEA
will be trying to get members to volunteer in both offices. If members volunteer, they can let
DeeAnn Aull or Mark Jones know and they will send them a NEA t-shirt that they
can wear when they are volunteering and we want them to sign in at the offices
as an MNEA member.
MNEA members will be receiving a 1 minute survey via email to help us
sort our membership into 3 groups. The
three groups are: people who have already committed to Secretary Clinton,
people who are still undecided but could be swayed, and people who are already
decided against Secretary Clinton. Forthcoming activities include: phone
banking, robo calls, information in Something Better and In the Loop, a social
media campaign, e-blast, and getting people to go to Strong Public Schools
.org. If you have any ideas
about ways to help the campaign, you can email DeeAnn Aull or Mark Jones.
Educators for Social Justice:
This event will be taking place on February 27, 2016. MNEA
Retired paid for 20 members to attend. Currently
we have 19 members registered to attend. MNEA will have an informational table
at the event and Matt Agee will be there to represent us and answer questions
at the table.
Audit Presentation:
Vice-President Brent Fullington and Dale Siebeneck from
Evers and Company presented the audit report.
RA Budget Recommendation to the RA:
Vice-President Brent Fullington presented the 2016-2017 MNEA
Budget. The Board
approved recommendation of the 2016-2017 MNEA Budget to the RA.
Business Items:
The Board approved:
- the audit report
- the usage of the Evers and Company as
our auditing firm for the next year
- the 990 form
- affiliation of Warrenton Maintenance
and Custodian NEA
- affiliation of Rockwood Association of
Social Workers
- the National Education Employee
Assistance Fund renewal
Information Items:
Check for the Cat Tour Schedule.
Committee Volunteer forms are available.
Future Leader’s
Academy applications are available.
Summer Academy for First Timers - July 20-22 at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference
Center, Columbia, MO.
Summer Association Leadership Trainings:
Charles - June 6
Louis - June 7
City - June 10
- June 18
NEA Black Caucus Annual Black Issues Conference - April 15-17 in Kansas City, MO.
MNEA ESP Conference: Renaissance Hotel - St. Louis MO – April 23
Pre RA dates:
County – March 9
Charles – March 10
City – March 21
Louis – March 31
of Four Seasons – April 8
Board Responsibilities for Spring RA (Everyone is welcome to donate to any or all of the following):
· Bring socks for Rock
the Socks.
· Bring gift cards or
scratcher tickets for HOPE Fund.
· Bring silent auction
items for PAC.
· Bring cash for HOPE
fund, PAC silent auction and Care to Learn.