Please contact me at or Lisa at with any questions or comments regarding these guidelines.
I hope to see you at Summer Academy in Columbia July 16-18!
West Central Unit Council
Adopted August 16, 1988
Article 1: Name
This service unit shall be known as West Central Unity Council.
Article II: Purpose
The West Central Unit Council is a support group comprised of NEA locals which share concerns and assist each other to become and maintain strong local majority associations.
Article III: Membership
Membership in this Unit Council shall be ll locals in MNEA Governance District 4 (Adrian NEA, Belton NEA, Belton ESP NEA, Center EA, Chilhowee CTA, Clinton NEA, Concordia NEA, Ft. Osage NEA, Grain Valley CTA, Grandview NEA, Harrisonville NEA, Hickman Mills UTA, Holden NEA, Johnson County NEA, Kansas City NEA, Lafayette County CTA, LaMonte NEA, Lee’s Summit NEA, Lexington NEA, Pleasant Hill NEA, Raymore-Peculiar NEA, Raytown NEA, Rich Hill, Sherwood CTA, State Schools Warrensburg.)
Article IV: Voting
A. Each local shall have four delegates with full voting rights. The delegates shall vote and make decisions for their locals in Council business.
B. The Unit Council officers may serve as a delegate for their local and will have full voting rights.
C. Members of the Board of Directors will have full voting rights, but will not be considered a representative of their local.
D. A quorum will be a majority of the membership represented and/or forty (40%) of the dues paying locals in the Unit
Article V: Meetings
A. At the first Unit Council meeting of each school year, a tentative calendar of meetings shall be set.
B. Special meetings may be called by a UniServ Director, chairperson, or 50% of the locals.
C. Copies of the agenda should be sent to the locals at least 7 days prior to the Unit Council meeting. Electronic notification is permitted.
D. Copies of the minutes will be mailed to the Presidents and other permanent members of the Council. Electronic notification is permitted.
Article VI: Officers
A. The officers shall be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and treasurer. Elections shall be held prior to September 1, with officers serving one year terms beginning on September 1.
B. Should the Chairperson be unable to complete his/her term of office, the Vice-Chairperson shall succeed him/her. An election shall be held at the next Unit Council meeting to fill the vacancy of any other unexpired terms of office.
Article VII: Financial Procedure
A. The Chairperson shall appoint a Budget Committee in the spring to develop a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.
B. The annual budget shall be adopted by the Unit Council prior to the start of the fiscal year and shall indicate anticipated income and expenditures for the fiscal year beginning September 1 and ending the next August 31.
C. Anything that is not provided for by a specific budget item shall be approved by the Unit Council prior to the expenditure.
D. Dues – The dues of the Unit shall be established with the adoption of the annual budget.
E. There shall be an annual audit of all Unit funds by an Audit Committee composed of three members of the Unit council. The audit shall be done no later than October 1 and shall be presented to the Council at its next meeting.
Article VIII Amendment Procedure
These guidelines shall be amendable by a simple majority vote of the Unit Council provided that the amendment shall have been printed and distributed to the Unit Council members at least two weeks prior to the vote.4
Article IX: Parliamentary Authority
The current editions of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and special rules of order the Association may adopt.
The following are the MNEA Bylaws regarding District Governance Councils:
SECTION 1 Composition
A. The District Governance Council shall be composed of representatives of those locals in each of the governance districts established by the Missouri NEA and the elected members of the Missouri NEA Board of Directors.
B. The appropriate Representative Assembly delegates shall elect those positions necessary to represent the governance districts on Missouri NEA committees or boards such as PAC and the Review Board.
C. The UniServ Director shall work with the appropriate District Governance Council to plan, facilitate and coordinate service.
SECTION 2 Meetings
A. The District Governance Councils shall serve as conduits of governance information to/from locals and elected representation.
B. Each District Governance Council shall establish such structure and meetings as will best serve its individual needs.