Sunday, August 26, 2012


Christopher Eager, INEA; has been elected as our new board member.  Congratulations Christopher!  Thank you to all delegates who participated in the election.  Christopher and I will attend our first board meeting of the year on September 15.  Be looking for another post around that time.  Our first West Central meeting will be September 17 at the West Central office in Independence, directly followed by our first Education Advocates meeting.

Please be sure to check your Leader's Update and Timeline for Action for important upcoming dates that need to be shared with all of our members, such as:  PR grant, due September 15; Tuition grant, due September 15; Shirley Cromer Leadership Award nominations, due by October 1; Fall RA delegate names to Beeb, due by October 2; and the Connections grant, due October 8.

Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, or for help!