Please remember to VOTE in the primary on August 7.
PEARCE for Missouri Senate in District 21. This is a critical district. Senator David Pearce was and would be the Chair of Education with a win. He was awarded our Horace Mann Friend of Education in Legislation award in April 2012 for passionately defending teachers against tenure repeal and other bad education bills. Without Senator Pearce as Chair, Brian Nieves would be Chair of Education. Nieves is NOT public education friendly and we would desperately regret not protecting this position with a vote for Pearce. If you live in this district, please get out and vote, take your family and friends with you, and explain the importance of re-electing Senator Pearce!
For a complete list of MNEA recommended candidates, login to or email me at with your district number and I will give you the needed information. Be sure to vote NO to Constitutional Amendment 2. This amendment claims to protect our right to religious freedom and prayer. In language not included on the ballot this amendment would give parents the right to opt students out of ANY lesson based on religious beliefs.
Speaking of elections, there is an open position on the Board of Directors for Governance District 4. Nominations and a one hundred word essay should be emailed to Chris at no later than August 6. If there is more than one candidate, delegates from 2011-2012 will be asked to vote on August 20. Local leaders, please pass this information along to your members today to allow them the opportunity to be a candidate for this position.
Get registered now for the Leila Medley Quality Local Award webinar. On August 6, 6:30-7:30, Ann Jarrett will give pointers to locals in preparing for this prestigious award.
West Central Meeting dates are as follows: September 17, October 29 (Pre-RA), January 7, February 11, March 4, April 8 (Pre-Ra), and May 13. Please mark these dates on your calendar, share them with your members and plan to attend!